Jomon Sugi on Yakushima

Jomon Sugi on Yakushima: A Journey to Experience the Mysteries and Ancient History of Nature


What is Jomon Sugi?

Jomon Sugi is one of Japan’s largest and most ancient cedar trees, located on Yakushima Island. Its overwhelming presence and mystical atmosphere captivate all who visit. Estimated to be over 7,200 years old, Jomon Sugi is named after the Jomon period, during which it is believed to have begun its existence. This colossal tree, still growing after millennia, symbolizes the grandeur of nature and the resilience of life.

Access to Yakushima from Narita Airport

To reach Yakushima from Narita Airport, first take a domestic flight to Kagoshima Airport. The direct flight from Narita to Kagoshima takes about 2 hours. Upon arrival at Kagoshima Airport, transfer to a flight or high-speed ferry to Yakushima. The flight to Yakushima Airport takes about 35 minutes, while the high-speed ferry from Kagoshima Port takes about 2 hours. The total travel time is approximately 5 hours.

Access to Yakushima from Haneda Airport

From Haneda Airport, direct flights to Kagoshima Airport are available, taking about 2 hours. After arriving at Kagoshima Airport, transfer to a flight or high-speed ferry to Yakushima. The flight takes about 35 minutes, and the high-speed ferry takes about 2 hours. The total travel time is approximately 4.5 to 5 hours.

Access to Yakushima from Kansai Airport

From Kansai Airport, take a direct flight to Kagoshima Airport, which takes about 1 hour and 30 minutes. From Kagoshima Airport, transfer to a flight to Yakushima (about 35 minutes) or take a high-speed ferry (about 2 hours). The total travel time is approximately 4 to 4.5 hours.

The Journey to Jomon Sugi

Access from Arakawa Trailhead

The typical route to visit Jomon Sugi starts at the Arakawa Trailhead. The trailhead is about an hour’s drive from the island’s central area, Miyanoura. From the Arakawa Trailhead, the round trip to Jomon Sugi takes about 10 hours. The hike is challenging, but the experience of trekking through Yakushima’s stunning natural beauty is incredibly rewarding.

The Old Tramway

About 3 hours into the hike from Arakawa Trailhead, you will reach the Old Tramway. This path was once used to transport felled cedar logs and is now maintained as a trekking route. Walking along the tramway, you can enjoy the scenic streams and moss-covered forests.

Okabu Trail

Continuing along the Old Tramway, you will enter the Okabu Trail. This more rugged mountain path leads you through areas with giant Yakusugi cedars and diverse plant life. Highlights along this trail include the “Wilson Stump,” a giant tree stump with a heart-shaped hollow, and the uniquely shaped “Meoto Sugi” (Husband and Wife Cedar).

The Charm of Jomon Sugi

Jomon Sugi’s overwhelming presence makes it a must-see. The tree stands at 25.3 meters tall with a trunk circumference of 16.4 meters. Its sheer size and vitality are awe-inspiring. Surrounding Jomon Sugi are other magnificent cedars and rich natural scenery, creating a mystical atmosphere. Visitors are often moved by the grandeur of nature and the passage of time in the presence of this ancient tree.

Recommended Spots on Yakushima

Shiratani Unsuikyo

Shiratani Unsuikyo is a beautiful area of moss-covered forests, which inspired the setting for the movie “Princess Mononoke.” The lush green landscape, covered in moss, creates a fantastical atmosphere. There are various hiking trails, allowing you to choose one that suits your time and energy levels.

Oko no Taki

Oko no Taki is one of Yakushima’s most beautiful waterfalls, standing 88 meters high. The sound of the cascading water and the stunning scenery are breathtaking. Visitors can get close to the waterfall’s basin to feel its power up close. It’s a popular spot, especially in summer, for those seeking a cool retreat.

Hirauchi Kaichu Onsen

Yakushima is home to many hot springs, and Hirauchi Kaichu Onsen is particularly unique. This seaside hot spring is only accessible at low tide, as it becomes submerged at high tide. Bathing in these natural hot springs with a view of the ocean provides a liberating and serene experience.

Activities on Yakushima

Snorkeling and Diving

Yakushima’s clear waters are home to beautiful coral reefs and vibrant fish. Snorkeling and diving offer opportunities to explore this underwater world. Popular spots include Isso and Nagata Beach, where you can enjoy the island’s marine beauty.


Yakushima offers numerous eco-tours led by local guides. These professional guides provide deep insights into the island’s nature and history, offering enriching experiences. Tours to Jomon Sugi, Shiratani Unsuikyo, and other sites are available, catering to various interests.

Visiting Yakushima

Here is the link to the official website of Yakushima Town:

Yakushima captivates visitors with its rich natural beauty and historical sites. With convenient access from Narita, Haneda, and Kansai airports, it’s well worth a visit. From the ancient Jomon Sugi and stunning waterfalls to moss-covered forests and clear seas, Yakushima offers a variety of attractions. Add Yakushima to your next Japan travel itinerary to experience the mysteries of nature and the island’s ancient history. Enjoy an unforgettable journey filled with the wonders of nature and the passage of time.