Mount Hakodate

Mount Hakodate: A Majestic Landmark of Hokkaido with Stunning Views and Rich History


Mount Hakodate, located in southern Hokkaido, is one of Japan’s renowned landmarks, offering spectacular natural scenery and a rich historical background. Standing at 334 meters, this mountain is famous for its panoramic views of Hakodate city. The night view from the summit is especially famous, being one of the “Three Great Night Views of the World,” captivating visitors from around the globe. With its changing beauty throughout the seasons and a variety of outdoor activities, Mount Hakodate provides visitors with numerous unforgettable experiences.

Access from Japan’s Gateways

From Narita International Airport

Access to Mount Hakodate from Narita International Airport is highly convenient. Direct flights from Narita to Hakodate Airport take approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. Upon arrival at Hakodate Airport, it’s about a 20-minute bus or taxi ride to the city center. From there, you can take a bus to the Hakodate Ropeway station and ride the ropeway to the summit.

From Haneda International Airport

Access from Haneda International Airport to Mount Hakodate is also straightforward. Direct flights from Haneda to Hakodate Airport take about 1 hour and 20 minutes. From Hakodate Airport, it’s about a 20-minute bus or taxi ride to the city center. From there, you can take a tram or bus to the ropeway station and ride the ropeway to the summit.

From Kansai International Airport

Access from Kansai International Airport to Mount Hakodate is relatively easy as well. Direct flights from Kansai Airport to Hakodate Airport take about 2 hours. From Hakodate Airport, follow the same route as above: take a bus or taxi to the city center, then take a tram or bus to the ropeway station, and finally, ride the ropeway to the summit.

The Charms of Mount Hakodate

Breathtaking Night Views

Mount Hakodate is renowned as one of the “Three Great Night Views of the World.” The view from the summit is spectacular, especially on clear nights when the curved Hakodate cityscape sparkles like a jewel box. This breathtaking sight is sure to leave a lasting impression on all who visit.

Seasonal Natural Beauty

Mount Hakodate showcases different beauties in each season. In spring, cherry blossoms bloom, while in summer, lush green forests offer a refreshing escape. Autumn brings vibrant fall foliage, and in winter, the snow-covered landscape creates a magical atmosphere. Each season offers a unique experience, making every visit feel new and exciting.

Hiking and Outdoor Activities

Mount Hakodate features several hiking trails suitable for all levels, from beginners to advanced hikers. Enjoying a hike while immersing in nature provides a perfect opportunity to refresh both body and mind. The seasons from spring to autumn are particularly ideal for nature walks and bird watching.

Nearby Attractions

Motomachi Area

At the base of Mount Hakodate lies the historical Motomachi area. This district is dotted with churches, Western-style buildings, and picturesque slopes, offering a charming atmosphere with a touch of foreign influence. Notable landmarks include the Former Hakodate Ward Public Hall and the Russian Orthodox Church.

Hakodate Morning Market

A short distance from Mount Hakodate, the Hakodate Morning Market is a must-visit spot for fresh seafood lovers. The market is famous among tourists for its variety of fresh catches. Enjoy local delicacies such as seafood bowls and squid sashimi, offering a true taste of Hokkaido.

Yunokawa Onsen

About a 20-minute drive from Mount Hakodate, Yunokawa Onsen is Hakodate’s most famous hot spring area. With numerous hot spring facilities available, it’s the perfect place to relax and rejuvenate after a day of sightseeing. The night view from the hot springs is also a delight, complementing the experience at Mount Hakodate.


Mount Hakodate captivates visitors with its stunning natural beauty, historical significance, and breathtaking night views. With excellent access from Narita, Haneda, and Kansai airports, it’s a must-visit destination in Hokkaido. Combined with the nearby attractions, Mount Hakodate promises a memorable and enriching travel experience.